I spent $$$$$ on Amazon last year … and, I didn’t NEED any of it.

2 min readJan 27, 2022
Photo by Viktor Paris on Unsplash

Once upon a time, if you wanted something, you probably had to get ready, get into the car, drive across town (or even another town), find a place to park, go into a store, pick it out, stand in line, purchase it, and then drive back home.

It took effort.

And, if you needed multiple things from multiple places, it was pretty much an all-day thing.

Not anymore.

Shopping has become incredibly convenient.

Too convenient.

In fact, it is so convenient that we can grab our phone and make a purchase the minute that something enters our mind … sometimes in just one or two clicks.

Think about that.

Sure, it is convenient. But, it is also decidedly inconvenient.

As a result of this “convenience,” I have acquired a lot of things. Things that, although I do either like or use most of them, I doubt I ever would have bought any of it if it hadn’t been so easy.

For example, while I do LOVE my red Microplane Premium Classic Zester Grater (affiliate link), and I actually use it on occasion, there is almost zero chance that I would have gotten ready, got into my car, driven to the store, etc. etc. to get it.

